#Michelangelo Buonarroti

Masterpiece Stories

Lost Masterpieces: Leda and the Swan by Michelangelo

Throughout art history, numerous works have been lost, leaving only the stories as a testimony to their greatness. Among these lost treasures is...

Javier Abel Miguel 18 June 2024


QUIZ: How Much Do You Know About Michelangelo?

Anastasia Manioudaki 1 June 2024

Michelangelo Renaissance

Did You Know That Michelangelo Was an Art Forger?

Michelangelo Buonarroti is undoubtedly one of the most acclaimed artists in history. Some of his creations, such as David or the ceiling of the...

Javier Abel Miguel 1 April 2024

Museum Stories

Visit the Bargello National Museum in Florence

Museo Nazionale del Bargello or the Bargello National Museum is among Florence’s most important museums along with the Uffizi Gallery and the...

Maya M. Tola 18 May 2023