#william blake

Long Read

700th Anniversary of Dante’s Death in 15 Great Artworks

Hardly any author has been such a rich source of literary inspiration for the visual arts as Dante Alighieri. His two major works, the La Vita Nuova...

Caroline Galambosova 13 April 2021


When the Arts Meet: Art Inspired Album Covers

If music is the soul of an album then the art on the cover must be its body. The choice of artwork for an album cover is an important one because at...

Anastasia Manioudaki 11 May 2020

Museum Stories

Last Chance to See: William Blake at Tate Britain

Tate Britain is the oldest of the United Kingdom’s four Tate galleries, the others being the Tate Modern in London, Tate Liverpool and Tate St...

Chris Dobson 14 January 2020