#Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Museum Stories

Highlights of the Clark Art Institute

The Clark Art Institute, often referred to as “The Clark,” was founded in 1950 to house the extensive art collection of Sterling and Francine...

Anastasia Manioudaki 15 October 2020

DailyArt Magazine Staff’s Impressions of the Impressionists

For a few years DailyArt Magazine has brought you articles on hundreds of topics relating to art history. Today you have a rare chance to meet some...

Rachel Witte 13 July 2020

Art State of Mind

Happy Birthday, Kate!

This is an unusual feature and probably the only one in DailyArt Magazine history that will also come as a surprise to our beloved Editor-in-chief,...

Maya M. Tola 3 June 2020

Museum Stories

Crash Course in Impressionism – Courtauld Impressionists: From Manet to Cézanne

The Courtauld Gallery will remain closed for a while, as it is being transformed. But this does not mean we cannot see the Impressionist masterpieces...

Joanna Kaszubowska 8 November 2018