#Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert, Roman Ruins, ca. 1776. Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris, Paris, France. Wikimedia Commons (public domain). Academic Art

Robert of the Ruins: Idealized Ruins by Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert was an immensely popular French painter from the 18th century best known for his skillful landscapes, particularly his landscapes that...

Maya M. Tola 11 September 2023

Art State of Mind

The Allure of Ruins – Architectural Decay in Art

There is a haunting beauty in architectural ruins. War or the passage of time has ravaged the magnificent feats of earlier civilizations. But in...

Maya M. Tola 11 September 2023

Art Travels

Armchair Museum Visits: Great Museums in Art

Armchair traveling, online art viewing, and virtual museum visits are all the rage these days. In this article, you can do those three things at once...

Alexandra Kiely 18 May 2021