#Ford Madox Brown

Art State of Mind

Bringing Up Baby – The Art of Parenting Through the Ages

Childcare can take so many forms. Kids throughout history have been raised by gay dads, lesbian moms, whole villages, singles, and adoptive parents.

Candy Bedworth 1 January 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: The Last of England by Ford Madox Brown

Ford Madox Brown explores the psychological and emotional hardships faced by emigrants in The Last of England. Let us explore a Brown masterpiece.

James W Singer 18 December 2023

Art Travels

On the Road: Best Traveling Paintings

“As you set out for Ithaka, hope your road is a long one,” thus begins Ithaka, the famous poem by C.P. Cavafy. When we travel, we always think...

Anastasia Manioudaki 17 November 2023