
Masterpiece Stories

The Boxer at Rest – Defeated Hellenistic Athlete

Coming face-to-face with a piece of art you’ve loved for years is a thrilling, exciting and oftentimes overwhelming experience. Such was the case...

Nadine Waldmann 11 March 2024

Ice Skaters in Painting Sport

Ice Skaters in Painting

Some time ago I went to the ice rink and I realized again how fun it is to glide and feel light (or very heavy when you fall). So I thought it would...

Magda Michalska 31 January 2024


Sports Fan? You Will Love Vintage Olympic Posters

Did you know that since 1912 each Olympic host city has commissioned one or more posters to celebrate the hosting of the Games? Here’s our...

Marta Wiktoria Bryll 19 December 2023


Modern Sports Played in Ancient China

The history of Chinese sports can be traced back thousands of years, revealing many achievements, innovations, and surprises. While some sports may...

Marina Kochetkova 23 August 2023

Art State of Mind

Wind and Fun: Kites in Art

So far we’ve had balloons and celestial bodies as part of this series. Now we move to kites as our flying objects in art, but where do we start?...

Sarah Mills 15 June 2023

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: The Football Players by Henri Rousseau

Welcome to the bizarre world of Henri Rousseau (1844–1910), the quintessential naïve artist, and meet his masterpiece depicting oneiric, striped...

Anastasia Manioudaki 21 May 2023


All About Sailing in Painting

I’ve sailed only once or twice in my whole life but I can still remember the empowering feeling of liberation that I felt when on the water.

Magda Michalska 26 August 2022


It’s Tokyo Olympics! The Greatest Moments in the History of Summer Olympic Games

It’s Tokyo Olympics! It’s time when the greatest athletes gather in one place and compete against one other. If transported to the...

Marina Kochetkova 23 July 2021

Museum Stories

Two Men, Police Uniforms, and Some Duct Tape: The Biggest Art Heist in History After 30 Years of Active Investigations

Two men, police uniforms and some duct tape; this is how Rick Abath and Randy Hestand, security men at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston,...

Ruxi Rusu 19 October 2020

WTF Art History

Lockdown Artsy Entertainment Toolkit

Initially the idea of a lock-down and extended opportunity to work from home may look a tiny bit appealing. No more commuting, no more dressing up...

Joanna Kaszubowska 21 March 2020


Charles Fazzino – Superbowl’s Officially Licensed Artist

America’s biggest sporting event has its own official artist! Charles Fazzino is a gifted artist from New York, best known for his incredibly...

Maya M. Tola 2 February 2020

Love Story

Do You Watch ‘Love Island’? See This Art Special

At the moment, the annual summer show ‘Love Island’ on ITV is a top topic in the UK where I live. If you don’t know what I’m...

Magda Michalska 19 June 2018